
Your immune system is supported by vitamin D.


Make sure you're getting enough vitamin D to maintain your immune system operating at its peak.

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Did you Know? One individual survived both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings.

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The Pokémon Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are named after Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, respectively.

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Goddess Shymala Devi

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Niagara Falls is made up of three waterfalls.

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Wyoming has the nation's first female governor.

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Function and energy compatibility are determined by its mineral structure.

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Flowers are produced by Venus flytraps.

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Sharks have microscopic teeth called dermal denticles that cover their bodies.


Persians were also recognised as innovators in the fields of refrigeration, cooling, and ventilation.


Fingernail sweat is impossible.

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Did you Know? Greek Fire, a weapon of the Eastern Roman Empire, was utilised in ship-mounted flamethrowers.

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The typical individual will spend six months of their lives waiting for red lights to change to green lights.

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Did you Know? Clothes can take up to 40 years to get decomposed.

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Intelligence Has Nothing To Do With ADHD

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Did you Know? Moldova has a breakaway territory

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Is A Flounder A Hogchoker?

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Well Bees not only Sting, they Dance too

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Manhattenhenge is home to a fascinating sunset phenomenon twice a year, on May 28 and July 12.


Does the kind of skin care product you use or how you use it in your regimen matter?


In Tokyo, English is not widely spoken.


Dutch speakers understand Afrikaans better than Afrikaans speakers understand Dutch.

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Did you Know? Columbus Didn't Actually Discover America