tomb raider, tomb raider facts, facts about tomb raider, lara croft, facts about lara croft, lara cr

Did you Know? Lora Croft began life as spicy Latina, Laura Cruz.

tomb raider, tomb raider facts, facts about tomb raider, lara croft, facts about lara croft, lara cr

Toby Gard, the creator of Lara Croft, joked that it became clear that Tomb Raider needed a female protagonist when he realised that third-person games require a lot of staring at the main character's butt, so he should probably make that butt a lady's butt to keep him sane during the long hours. In reality, Core was probably afraid of being sued by Lucasfilm for their obvious Indiana Jones rip-off, so they needed a new character who couldn't be confused with Harrison Ford. The simplest way to accomplish this was to switch genders.

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