almonds, milk, plant milk

Peaches are connected to almonds!

almonds, milk, plant milk

Almonds are members of the prunus family, which includes peaches, cherries, and apricots. The nuts that we are so acquainted with are actually the fruit's seed. The fleshy section of the almond fruit, unlike its fruity sisters, cannot be eaten.

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Catnip Doesn't Excite Every Cat.

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Did you Know? Nail Paint has a long history.

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An engineer designed a plane with a detachable cabin to save passengers.

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Eating before going to bed causes nightmares.

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The English language received the term "serendipity" from Sri Lanka.


From left to right, Hindi is written in Devanagari script, which has 11 vowels and 33 consonants.

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Not Everyone Who’s High Energy Has ADHD

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

Hong Kong is one of the world's most densely populated cities.

sweden, norway

Sweden's pop music expertise

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Vision Boards Make You Happy and Positive

sun exposure, acne, acne break

Did you Know? Sun Exposure can minimise acne breakouts.

macbeth, macbeth facts, macbeth king, lady macbeth

Did you Know? Macbeth was loosely based on a real king.

lotion, Moisturizing, vitamin C, collagen,  wrinkles,  skin suppleness

At night, moisturize.

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Roses are edible flowers

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The Vent Haven Museum houses vintage ventriloquist dummies.

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Bangkok is considered the world's hottest city (by mean average)


Is home to two of the world's most livable cities.

vitamin, green leafy, broccoli, kale, spinach

The edible leafy tips of beetroots are bursting with vitamin K

pancreas, digestion, Glucagon, insulin, exocrine, fat, protein, carbohydrates

Sugar can be ""tasted"" by the pancreas.



blackhole, light, escape, star, galaxy, universe, science

Black Holes Are Cool.

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"World leaders are often Scorpios."

harrypotter, azkaban, doloresumbridge, orderofthephoenix, pottermore, hanniballecter, wizard, witche

Dolores Umbridge Finally Went To Azkaban

Times Square, New York

Plates shattering on New Year's Eve are considered good luck in Denmark.


Can you combine niacinamide with other skin care components to get the best results?