candle, diamond, wuzongzhou, chemistry, professor, university, nanoparticles

The eureka diamond was discovered by a fifteen-year-old

candle, diamond, wuzongzhou, chemistry, professor, university, nanoparticles

In 1867, a 15-year-old boy named Erasmus Stephanus discovered the stunning Eureka diamond in South Africa. The rough diamond weighing 21.25 carats was discovered on the Orange River near Hopetown. The polished diamond now weighs 10.73 carats.

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The fastest growing plant on the planet

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Although unlikely, hybrid bears could explain the yeti legends.


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Antiquity's Best-Preserved Monuments

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India’s Widest River “Brahmaputra”


Bali has one of the highest densities of spas in the world.

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Did you Know? King James I was the decendant of real Banquo.

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Male Gynecologists Have a Difficult Time Finding Work.


Providing porcelain to the imperial family required government approval in ancient China.

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Did you Know? French tips probably are not really French.

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Asia’s oldest refinery and the birthplace of crude oil “Digboi”

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Wolves do not howl at the moon.

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A fantastic study snack is blueberries.


Bhutan is one of the world's most environmentally conscious countries.

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If someone told you that the FBI deemed your sign "dangerous," don't believe them.

chia seed

Could help with weight loss