harrypotter, azkaban, doloresumbridge, orderofthephoenix, pottermore, hanniballecter, wizard, witche

Hermione Has Become The Minister Of Magic

harrypotter, azkaban, doloresumbridge, orderofthephoenix, pottermore, hanniballecter, wizard, witche

Hermione Granger was widely regarded as one of the most brilliant witches of her generation, but when she is reintroduced to fans during the post-Battle of Hogwarts time jump in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, she appears to be leading a very normal existence. Of all, there's nothing wrong with it, but she looked destined for more. In the years thereafter, Hermione has fulfilled her promise, rising through the ranks of the Wizarding World's governing body to become Minister of Magic in 2019, succeeding her predecessor, Kingsley Shackelbolt.

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The Nepetalactone Is Everything.