literature, jane, janeausten, austen, writing, fiction, love, friendship, tomlefory, tom, harris, ha


literature, jane, janeausten, austen, writing, fiction, love, friendship, tomlefory, tom, harris, ha

The first Jane Austen fan fiction was written in an 1823 letter to the editor of The Lady's Magazine, in which Austen appeared as a character. The letter writer claims to want to know more about being a successful writer and consults Jane Austen's ghost for advice. Harvard University owns the first Austen dissertation, "Jane Austen's Novels," which was published in 1883 by George Pellew.

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"The ""Portland Vase"" is one of the most valuable pieces of glass art in the world. "

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Grapefruit Might Hasten Healing

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Chia seeds contain 5g of fiber per tablespoon.

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Manhattenhenge is home to a fascinating sunset phenomenon twice a year, on May 28 and July 12.

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The longyi

The longyi in Myanmar

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Insulin resistance may influence the therapy of hypertension in type 2 diabetics.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Financial advice is not provided by media made by and for women.


Lobsters use their stomachs to chew and their legs to taste.

 Matrix color-coded

Did you Know? The Matrix film is color-coded.

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The seventh most visited country on the planet


A well-maintained porcelain piece can last over 1,000 years!