cataracts, eye, injury, operation

More factors than just the aging process can lead to cataracts.

cataracts, eye, injury, operation

You're not entirely off if you assumed that cataracts just came with becoming older. But other factors can also cause cataracts to develop: 
Secondary cataracts are brought on by underlying diseases like diabetes and glaucoma. The improper use of drugs like steroids can also cause secondary cataracts. 
Traumatic cataracts are those that appear after an eye injury, such as a burn or cut. After receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancer, radiation cataracts can develop. 
Infants may develop congenital cataracts. They could have them from birth or acquire them throughout infancy. Frequently, the cataract is so little that it has no impact on vision.

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 Fennel seed

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A Lower Risk of Some Cancers Is Associated With Adequate Vitamin D Intake

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