burial plot

It’s a legal requirement to own a burial plot before you die in Sarpourenx, France

burial plot

The mayor of Sarpourenx issued an edict forbidding people from dying within the city limits unless they had previously purchased a plot in a local cemetery. People who broke this by dying without a plot would be severely punished. What kind of punishment you give the dead however is as of yet unclear.

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A fantastic study snack is blueberries.

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In the last four years, the number of electric vehicles in the UK has increased 26-fold.

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Horned lizards have an uncommon mode of protection.

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Chia seeds contain 5g of fiber per tablespoon.


Scientists are still perplexed as to why people have diverse blood types in the first place.

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It is a prosperous but not expensive country.

Times Square, New York, New Year

The man who is credited with writing Auld Lang Syne did not complete it.

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"Netflix Made Special Socks That Pause Your TV Automatically When You Fall Asleep. "

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Fake words do occasionally make their way into dictionaries.

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Unlike English or any other language, Hindi words are pronounced exactly as they are written.

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Did you Know? Many feet bones don't harden until you're an adult.


Isn't this the same as niacin?

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Did you Know? Three Major Horror Franchises were inspired from the same serial killer.

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The stones' transportation remains a mystery.

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The United States government has a formal strategy for a zombie apocalypse.

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