Bamboo,  grass, trees, woody, species, wood

Is bamboo a plant or a grass?

Bamboo,  grass, trees, woody, species, wood

Bamboo is grass, although many of the bigger woody bamboo species resemble trees and are commonly referred to as "bamboo trees."

Related Facts
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South Koreans are Asia's largest drinkers.


Cowlicks can appear on the brows.

tulip valuable gold

Tulips were once more valuable than gold.

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Did you Know? Leonardo DiCaprio did not do the drawing in Titanic.

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Cabbage White is the most frequent butterfly in the United States.


There’s an asteroid named Braille.

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Men and Women Dream Differently

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Did you Know? Belle preferred beast in his animal form rather than in human form.

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Do you know about the cursed Terracotta Army?

Lowbush berries

Lowbush berries are mainly produced in Canada.

Hindi, Urdu, language, Hindustani, north India, India

The first Hindi typewriter was introduced in the 1930s.

Pigeons, Mesopotamian, hypothesis, domesticated, Scientists

Pigeons were maybe the first domesticated bird.


Is monkeypox deadly?

fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

Sponge are the most basic marine organisms, typically found in the water!

vitamin, green leafy, broccoli, kale, spinach

Ruby red beets are a top supplier of nitrates

gut health, how to improve gut health, gut healthy foods, gut health supplements, best foods for gut

Cholesterol and fats are completely different

largest parrot, largest bird

Did you Know? The Largest Parrot of the World Can’t Fly.

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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

almonds, milk, plant milk

Peaches are connected to almonds!


Chamomile tea can be applied even to your hair.

chinese, porcelain, Han Dynasty, imperial dynasty, Qing Dynasty

Porcelain was marked by the emperor's reign and dynasty.

Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl was born in Wales.

chinese, porcelain, Han Dynasty, imperial dynasty, Qing Dynasty

Over 2,000 years ago, Chinese porcelain was first exported.

red lips, lipstick, makeup

Only Harlots wore lipstick in ancient Greece.


The heaviest pumpkin ever weighted 2,702 lbs for Halloween.