candle, diamond, wuzongzhou, chemistry, professor, university, nanoparticles

Scientists can turn the remains of a loved one into a diamond.

candle, diamond, wuzongzhou, chemistry, professor, university, nanoparticles

If you want to have an everlasting connection with a loved one who has passed away, you can compress their ashes and turn them into a man-made diamond. You will be able to cherish them in this manner for the rest of your life.

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Glass cracks move at a speed of 3000 mph when it breaks

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Wind chill is calculated using a very precise formula.

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Did you Know? Human-like fingerprints are seen on koalas.


There’s an asteroid named Braille.

 Maratha Empire

The Maratha Empire's administrative centre was in Pune.


70% Of Our Immune Response Is Due To Probiotics


Microfiber cleans at the molecular level using electrostatics.

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Porcelain was invented in China.

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Milk can be made from almonds!

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Did you Know? Brazil is the home to world's second longest river

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro translates as January River.

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Largest display of toothpick sculptures

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Cancer can be detected by pigeons.

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International astronauts must be able to speak Russian.

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Anxiety Often Begins In Childhood

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Did you know? Death by elephant was a common method of execution in Ancient Asia.

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"Sachin Tendulkar's wicket is worth a shilling! "

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Two thirds of a cat’s life is spent asleep

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Did you Know? Fair-trade coffee improves quality.

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James Cameron Drew That Charcoal of Naked Kate Winslet

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"Nepal was never invaded."

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Did you Know? A cigarette contains about 4,800 chemicals in it.

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Charlotte and Emily spent some time in Brussels studying.

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Did you Know? Madagascar is the world’s fourth largest island

chickens georgia

It’s illegal to let your chickens cross the road in Quitman, Georgia