butterfly, chitin, protein,  insect exoskeleton, translucent

The wings of butterflies are translucent.

butterfly, chitin, protein,  insect exoskeleton, translucent

Let us explain why you should have an eye test before you book one. A butterfly's wings are covered in thousands upon thousands of tiny scales. And the hues you see as a butterfly flies through your yard are the reflection of different colors through the scales. The wings themselves are constructed of chitin, which is the same protein that makes up an insect's exoskeleton. Chitin, like an exoskeleton, is translucent. You've already learned something new!

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Only Luv Kush Temple exists.

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Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa

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Your Gynecologist is concerned about more than just your genitalia.

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Jaws' Most Famous Line Was Improvised

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Did you Know? India is second largest silk producer in the world

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Tropical America is the Mimosa Pudica's original habitat.

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Additionally, beets have been demonstrated to aid the body's detoxification process.

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Did you Know! Gravity on earth actually varies.