constellations, night, sky, glowing, ancient, magnitude, sirius, mensa, visual, greek

Some Constellations Have Families

constellations, night, sky, glowing, ancient, magnitude, sirius, mensa, visual, greek

A constellation family refers to a group of constellations located within the same region of the night sky. They usually take their names from their most important constellation, the most prolific of which is the Hercules Family containing 19 constellations. Others include the Ursa Major Family (10), the Perseus Family (9), and the Orion Family (5).

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Pirates wore earrings to ward off seasickness.


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On a homestay experience, you may learn from the local Cambodians

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Another proof that reinforces the fact that the origin of the Tandoori chicken took place in the Harappa Civilization

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Cluedo originated in Birmingham.

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A Touchy Topic Is Stingray Touch Tanks


Collagen helps to firm your skin.

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Sumo wrestlers make babies cry for good luck.

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Kimchi Has Numerous Advantages

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Have you heard the legends of a Banshee?


When Your Iguana Licks You, What Does It Mean?

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There is a secret menu on Netflix.


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They don't take up a lot of room

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Asia’s oldest refinery and the birthplace of crude oil “Digboi”

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Did you Know? The world wastes about 1 billion metric tons of food each year.

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Did you Know? Jurassic Park Raptors sound like tortoise mating

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Did you Know? Black sea is also the world’s largest meromictic basin

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Did you Know? Japanese melons can cost you over $200

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The Nepetalactone Is Everything.

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UNESCO's third largest heritage country is Spain.