denmark strait, cataract, world, highest. underwater, waterfall, Atlantic Ocean

The world's largest waterfall is located in the ocean.

denmark strait, cataract, world, highest. underwater, waterfall, Atlantic Ocean

The Denmark Strait cataract is the world's highest underwater waterfall, with a drop of 11,500 feet (3,505 metres) in the Atlantic Ocean.

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Did you Know? Walt Disney has his own private and secret apartment.


Bali has one of the highest densities of spas in the world.


Kerala's only Pine Forest

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Oysters actively participate in gender switching!

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Swiggy is successful in raising venture capital funding

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Beagles are avid hunters.


Along with your anxiousness, Chamomile might be beneficial.

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It took eight years to perfect the milk chocolate formula.

Fennel seed

Fennel seeds cleanse the blood.

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The communicator used by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan is actually a lady's razor.

beetroot, beet

The world's biggest beet is grown by a Dutchman.

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Did you Know? India is the Spice Capital of the world.

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Stuart Sutcliffe was the name of the fifth Beatle.

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Athena was born differently from her siblings: she was the consequence of a headache.

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There are a lot of strange dictionaries out there.

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As an April Fool joke, BMW gave away a new car.

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One of the most memorable moments in 'Pretty Woman' was improvised.

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Did you Know! An average woman eats about 4Ib lipstick in her lifetime.

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

Other countries, ironically, consider marine lamprey to be a delicacy.

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Vision Boards Make You Happy and Positive


Baba Marta is a fun holiday.

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Interesting Fact! Pizza Reduces The Risk Of Some Cancers.

iguana, reptile

Iguanas: Do They Have Blood?


liver is two people at once

sweden, norway

Swedish art in Stockholm subway stations