khajuraho, city, india, temples

Antiquity's Best-Preserved Monuments

khajuraho, city, india, temples

The Archaeological Survey of India has named the Khajuraho monuments as the best-preserved antiquity monuments.

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Ashwagandha is an Indian herb.

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It’s illegal not to walk your dog at least three times a day in Turin, Italy

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Did you Know? Nightwing Once, killed the Joker.

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Did you Know? The tray scene from spider-man scene took 156 takes.

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Earthworm's average age is more than 5 years.

chia seed

Dr. Wayne Coates rediscovered chia in the 1990s.

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Did you Know? Indian Constitution is a living document


Ashwagandha Increases Male Fertility and Testosterone Levels

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Did you Know? The White House has a movie theatre.

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Swiggy has expanded exponentially

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During World War 1 Japan came to the British's aid in the Mediterranean.

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Did you Know? Captain Morgan Actually Existed

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Did you Know? Lebanons have a french connection

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Hong Kong is a Chinese Special Administrative Region.

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Our Milky Way Most Likely Has a Black Hole.


Germany Loves Bread

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Fun Fact! Spain is a very sunny country


What qualities should I consider when choosing a product?

Formula-fed babies

Formula-fed babies are more likely to become ill.

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Sylvia Plath chose June 16th for her wedding date in honor of James Joyce's Novel 'Ulysses'


Grapefruit Could Boost Your Immune System

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The Wallet in Pulp Fiction Was Quentin Tarantino's

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The Iconic silver hue of Mercedes-Benz was created by reducing weight for a race.

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Once Kabaddi humiliated Hitler and his ilk in the Olympics