nails, nail

The growth rate of toenails is around half that of fingernails.

nails, nail

The growth rate of toenails is around half that of fingernails. They usually expand by 1.6 millimeters each month.

Related Facts

Chamomile tea can aid sleep.

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Chickens have excellent color vision.

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Wyoming is home to Yellowstone National Park.

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A candle flame contains millions of small diamonds .


Switzerland has 208 mountains and some of Europe's highest peaks.

Des Moines, Des Moines beggars night, beggar,

Did you Know? Des Moines has a hillarious tradition called Beggar's night.

Milan, Italy

It’s a legal requirement to smile at all times except at funerals or hospitals in Milan, Italy

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the famous petra tresury is actually a graveyard

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Mark antony bring egyption sand turkey to cover an entire beach for cleaopatra


Chia belongs to the mint family.

summer, summer season, summer carnival

Instead of glowing white, some fireflies have blue illumination.

Dust mites

Dust mites cannot be avoided.


There are three layers to a coconut.


Mexicans Are the Most Hardworking People

Clinical hypnosis

Clinical hypnosis differs greatly from stage hypnosis.

Brahmaputra, assam, mahabaahu, muga, cruise

India’s first 5 star river cruise “M.V. Mahabaahu” on Brahmaputra

Sound Wave

What Exactly Is A Sound Wave?

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Do all PCOS patients have hirsutism?

Bronte, sisters, Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Pensionnat Héger, Brussels, Belgium, liter

The Brontes all passed away tragically young.


Who is affected by monkeypox?

candle, candles, romans, wax

Your candle won't last longer if you freeze it.

amsterdam,bridge, canals, historic, reguliersgracht, herengracht

Amsterdam has over 1,200 bridges

Sweden, norway

Making the most of a bad situation

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Women spend more than twice as much time as men on unpaid labor around the world.


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