stingrays, carnivorous, beach

They snooze in the dunes.

stingrays, carnivorous, beach

Stingrays bury their bodies in the sand when they sleep, leaving their protective barb protruding to keep themselves safe. It is advised that beachgoers perform the "stingray shuffle" in order to cause vibrations in the sand and alert stingrays to their presence because this can be problematic in areas where humans join the ocean.

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Ulcers spread to further areas of the human body.

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Many words have been borrowed from Hindi by English.

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There is a language specific to crocheting.

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Wind chill is calculated using a very precise formula.

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The Pupils in Rattlesnake Eyes Are Vertical.

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Did you Know? Glass gem corn exists!

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Since ancient times, people have been removing cataracts.

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Did you Know? Green Yellow and Red Capsicums are not the same vegetable.

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Sweden is a global economic powerhouse.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Made $21,428 Per Word In the Terminator 2: Judgement Day

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