moonstone, energy, fortune, spiritual, tiger eye

Tiger Eye Gemstone Promotes Addiction Recovery

moonstone, energy, fortune, spiritual, tiger eye

Addiction is frequently associated with instability. If you are attempting to quit an addictive substance and failing repeatedly, Tiger Eye Stone may be the greatest healing stone for you. People frequently ignore the effectiveness of tiger eye gemstones to boost willpower.

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Women are more likely than men to develop Alzheimer's disease.

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Did you Know? Artificial Nails were developed by a dentist!

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Jaivana is the world's largest mobile cannon.

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The Longest someone has gone without sleep is 11 days and 25 minutes



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The Bronte sisters struggled with their alcoholic and drug-dependent brother.

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Did you Know? There is a record of eating 29 cupcakes in just 30 seconds.


Amaltas heals intestinal conditions

Dust mites

Dust mites resemble tiny spiders.

conspiracy, theory, prophecy fails, Leon Festinger, backfire effect

Conspiracy theories are not more prevalent today than they were previously.

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A Group of Famous People Saved the Hollywood Sign


Switzerland's meat is among the most expensive in the world.

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Chocolate was used to make alcohol.

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Jurassic Park Raptors Sound Like Tortoises Mating

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Did you Know? The Flash is a title, not a name.

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The highest bar and swimming pool in the world

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Some of the rosehips are full of vitamin C.


In Turkey, a hunter-gatherer temple can be discovered.

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Did you Know? Libya’s City Of Cyrene Was Part Of The Ancient Greek Empire

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Did you Know? Women are better in reading faces.

venus flytrap

Venus flytraps select their prey with caution.

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Did you Know? Halloween is still the Wiccan New Year

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Bangkok is considered the world's hottest city (by mean average)

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Why Does Andre Leon Talley Have Such an Impact on the Met Gala

cricket ball

Wool was used to make the first cricket ball.