world war 1, world war 1 france, world war 1 facts, world war 1 medicine, plastic surgeries

World War I saw pioneering advancement in modern medicine

world war 1, world war 1 france, world war 1 facts, world war 1 medicine, plastic surgeries

Harold Gillies established the field of plastic surgery, pioneering the first attempts at facial reconstruction, inspired by the sight of soldiers' faces ravaged by shrapnel, many of which remained covered by masks. In addition, blood transfusions became commonplace in order to save soldiers, with the first blood bank established on the front lines in 1917.

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Targeting dyslipidaemia effectively requires a careful selection of oral hypoglycemic medicines as well as dyslipidaemia-specific medications.

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Wisdom teeth can appear at any time.


The oceans contain more algae than there are stars in the entire universe.

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Niagara Falls supplies around 20% of the drinking water in the United States.

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The Welsh flag's origins

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Chocolate can help in preventing tooth decay.

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"Netflix Made Special Socks That Pause Your TV Automatically When You Fall Asleep. "

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The red stains and betel leaves in Myanmar

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Did you Know? Love affects the friendship.

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The Sculpture Has Been Buried Under Sand For Quite Some Time.

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Senior citizens like the company of Indian pariah dogs.

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Birmingham has more canals than Venice does.

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During hypnosis, a person remains completely awake.

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Did you Know the Origin of iPhone?

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Is A Flounder A Hogchoker?

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The Netherlands is so secure that it imports criminals to fill its prisons.

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Did you Know? The tray scene from spider-man scene took 156 takes.


A Flounder is a kind of fish.

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Scientists can turn the remains of a loved one into a diamond.


Malta has been an independent country since 1964.


Kiwi can support strong bones.

Buzz Aldrin.

A conspiracy theorist was once punched in the face by Buzz Aldrin.


Roses have hundreds of scent molecules combining notes of different aromas

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Lions hunt during the storms.

 number 111

The number 111 is usually seen as unlucky.