khajuraho, city, india, temples

Sculpture of Erotica

khajuraho, city, india, temples

Though it is often assumed that the Khajuraho temples are rich in sexual and sensual sculptures, only around 10% of these sculptures represent sensuality, with the remainder depicting diverse elements of daily life such as potters and farmers at work, musicians composing, ladies dressing up, and so on.

Related Facts

Disney had a hidden apartment where Walt Disney lived.

ashwagandha, herb, withaferins, withanolide glycosides, saponins, alkaloids,  acylsteril glycosides

Adaptogen Ashwagandha

Vision Boards

Vision Boards Clarify Your Goals

redhead, red hair, ginger hair, women

It's a pain to color red hair.

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The record for the longest cat ever is 48.5 inches

fog, British, American, Battle of Long Island, George Washington

hiding in the fog.

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Passports Around the World

Sunflower, Guinness Book of World Records, flowers, Hans-Peter, Germany

positive flower, a sunflower

butterfly, chitin, protein,  insect exoskeleton, translucent

Cabbage White is the most frequent butterfly in the United States.

Snake Plant

Making a Snake Plant is a Good Gift

hot pocket, hot, warm, chunk stuffers

There is a healthier option.


Blueberries' purple-blue colouring is a sign of their high antioxidant content.

 Alzheimer's disease

Women are more likely than men to develop Alzheimer's disease.

asteroid belt

The asteroid belt has never contained a planet.


Hypnosis has been around since the 18th century.

conspiracy, theory, prophecy fails, Leon Festinger, backfire effect

Tinfoil hats, unfortunately for conspiracy enthusiasts, have been shown to enhance specific radio frequencies.

doritos, doritos facts, doritos flavors

Did you Know? Doritos may be used as kindling since they are combustible.

athena, athena goddess, about athena the greek goddess, greek gods, greek gods and goddesses, ancien

Athena Has Gorgon Medusa’s Head on Her Aegis

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds can help prevent cancer.


Myanmar celebrates Water festival

korea, korea facts, facts about korea

Did you Know? Red Ink is a bad sign in Korea

Smallest Country

The World's Smallest Country

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There are barbeque and bacon-inspired fragrances out there

polandwollin, jomsborg, balticcoast, poland, germany, mythology, kingmagnus, kingharald

Jomsborg was a mythical Viking fortification.

Rio de Janeiro i

Rio de Janeiro is Brazil's second largest metropolis.