atalhöyük, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Turkey, agriculture

Agriculture first appeared in Turkey.

atalhöyük, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Turkey, agriculture

More than 11,000 years ago, residents of atalhöyük, a huge Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement in south-central Turkey, were eating crops including wheat and barley, which historians consider being the oldest evidence of agriculture.

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Desi dogs have outstanding immune systems.

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Dates should be consumed in odd numbers only.

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Pune was regarded as a Paradise for Pensioners.

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The most typical cause of ulcers is a bacterial infection.

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Fun Fact! Lamborghini Invented the Viper Engine

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Did you Know? In Canada, you may visit Santa's village all year.

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Sugary beets are a nutritious snack.

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Happy as a clam is not a complete expression.

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A porcelain piece requires dozens of procedures.

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E.T. Was Brought to Life by Cigarettes


Giant apes did once inhabit Asia, as evidenced by fossils

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Joaquin Phoenix was almost cast as Doctor Strange.


People are divided on whether Santa dwells in the North Pole or in Finland.

Tunisia, Arab country, Islam

The first Arab country to outlaw polygamy.


Legalized Assisted Suicide Draws 'Suicide Tourists'

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Did you Know? There is a reason why childhood friendships end.

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Roses are edible flowers

asthma, steroids, immune system

Following the use of a steroid inhaler, rinse your mouth.


Paper was previously made from copper.