egg, egg yolk facts, egg whites, protein in eggs, egg protein, egg yolk protein, egg white protein,

Did you Know? All eggs are hormone free.

egg, egg yolk facts, egg whites, protein in eggs, egg protein, egg yolk protein, egg white protein,

Despite the fact that many cartons advertise that their eggs are hormone-free, this is a standard claim. It's the same as saying water is wet. This is because, in the 1950s, the FDA prohibited the use of hormones in all poultry production. As a result, no hormones will ever be found in chicken eggs.

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Collagen shields the skin from oxidation:


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What contributed to Gengis Khan's demise?

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Animal Creatures Are Stingrays

Chamomile tea

Those who drink chamomile tea on a daily basis may benefit from it.

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Did you Know? Every Indian food is made up of six basic tastes.

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Chia seeds have been consumed by people for hundreds of years.


Microfiber cleans smooth surfaces of 99 percent of germs.

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Hindus were already aware of the speed of light.

Terracotta Army

Farmers in the area made the discovery of Terracotta Army

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Mirror Neurons Aid in Explaining the Spread of Positive Vibrations

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Did you Know? John F. Kennedy was laid to rest without his brain.

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Did you Know? Nintendo has been around for almost 130 years.