sun exposure, acne, acne break

Did you Know? Sun Exposure can minimise acne breakouts.

sun exposure, acne, acne break

Small amounts of sun exposure — 10 to 20 minutes is ideal — can be beneficial for acne. Excessive sun exposure, on the other hand, can aggravate existing acne scars and cause new breakouts. Wearing sunscreen or an oil-free moisturiser with SPF is also essential no matter how long you're out in the sun.

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Indonesia is the only spot on the planet where you may see the Komodo dragon in the wild.

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Additionally, beets have been demonstrated to aid the body's detoxification process.


There are three layers to a coconut.

Coconut trees

Coconut trees are enormous!

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Whoever it was, they left the job quickly.

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Even though it's frequently associated with RSA, Afrikaans is also spoken elsewhere.

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