vitamin D.

It is a fallacy that adults require the same quantity of vitamin D.

vitamin D.

In reality, some women may require more or less of the vitamin S. Particularly pregnant women might profit from taking a supplement.

Related Facts

Kiwi can support strong bones.

Gummy Bears

Gummy Bears Are A German Invention

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In 1963 a cat went to space

Vision Boards

Vision Boards Increase Productivity

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One of the leading causes of death worldwide is air pollution.

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Fun Fact! Days Are Getting Longer

Mimosa Pudica

Mimosa Pudica has excellent ornamental value


The Swedes were the first to develop nicotine replacement gum.

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Did you Know? The Queen in Disney's Snow White and Seven Dwarfs have an uncanny resemblence to Lady Macbeth.

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Insomnia can be inherited.

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Fun Fact! Who was the Oldest Oscar Winner Ever?

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Amaltas treats diarrhea

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Did you know that Jaigarh Fort's walls are never-ending

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The most haunted island in the world is Poveglia, Italy.

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There is a distinction to be made between a conspiracy theory, a myth, a rumour, and a falsehood.

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We Know Very Little About How The Rorschach Test Cards Were Created.


The Coconut emblem

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Antiquity's Best-Preserved Monuments


Chia belongs to the mint family.

Devil's Kettle

The Devil's Kettle is a huge hole that swallows half a river and no one knows where it leads.


It is comprised of two types of stone.


Santa has a valid pilot's licence.

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Did you Know? Sun is mostly of hydrogen and helium


A 6- to 8-inch-long skeleton was unearthed outside a Chilean ghost town.

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Bangkok: A tale of many markets