rats, pets, loveable, movie, hollywood, animated, ratatouille, culinary, vermin

Pet Rats Sold Big After Ratatouille

rats, pets, loveable, movie, hollywood, animated, ratatouille, culinary, vermin

After the success of the 2007 film telling the story of the lovable, culinary-inspired vermin, kids everywhere asked their parents, "Can we get one? I promise I'll take care of it." At least one domestic pet chain saw sales of pet rats jump 50 percent after the movie's release. We wonder how many of those rats immediately became parental responsibilities…

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Did you Know? There was a Marvel and DC crossover.


The First Oktoberfest Was A Wedding!

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Petra is near a famous biblical site

Vision Boards

Vision Boards Improve Intention

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"Anaxagoras Of Clazomenae (c.500-c.428 BCE)"

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What Is the Strangest Fact You've Ever Heard?

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Did you Know? To make animation simple, most Disney characters wear gloves.

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The Fundamental Attribution Error may aid in explaining conspiracy ideas.

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Eczema Is Not Usually Atopic Dermatitis

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Athena Has Gorgon Medusa’s Head on Her Aegis

Tunisia, Arab country, Islam

Tunisia's Sahara Desert

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People of New Zealand consumes the ice creams most

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The Dutch own more bicycles than any other country in the world

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Off the clock, OB-GYNs have a lot of fun.

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New Medicines Incorporate Infusions and Backrub

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The size of a fairyfly

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Do you know the story behind Venetian Blinds?

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Imprints are your best friend when it comes to finding books you like.


Chamomile tea helps aid digestion.

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The Brontes all passed away tragically young.

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Between Retinol, Retinyl, Retinaldehyde, and everything else, there is a distinction.

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Bangkok is the Massage paradise of the World

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Initially, in chess, Queen could move only one square at time diagonally.

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The Netherlands is the world’s biggest flower exporter

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Almonds are a great source of energy.