
The shape is typically a triangle or a V shape.


It is constructed from two or more mirrors or optics, which reflect the inside objects. The reflection of the objects typically takes the form of a triangle or V due to the shape of multiple mirrors.

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Water was used for mirrors in ancient times.


Your risk of cataracts can be impacted by your diet and lifestyle.

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It performs endocrine and exocrine functions simultaneously.

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Beagles are prone to obesity

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Persian rugs are similar to walking on art.

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The Platonic Foundations of the Law of Attraction


Is it true that an iguana has three eyes?

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Blue blood is found in spiders.

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It’s illegal to let your chickens cross the road in Quitman, Georgia

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Did you Know? Asia's largest planetarium is in Kolkata

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Each pirate ship had its own set of rules and code of conduct.

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The excreta of sperm whales was used in perfumes


Ashwagandha is an Indian herb.

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Home births are still popular in the Netherlands

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In Rio, street art is legal.

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Hindi shares certain commonalities with Urdu, Bengali, Sanskrit, Nepalese, and Gujarati.

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Dying stars give way to astronomical black holes.

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It was illegal to change a light bulb unless you’re a licensed electrician in Victoria, Australia

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Hong Kong is a Chinese Special Administrative Region.

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"Volcanic Lava Has the Potential to Convert to Glass "

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Before auditioning for the role of Chandler, Matthew Perry assisted his acting pals.


Insomnia can occur in pets as well.

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The solid is not glass

sting rays

Female sting rays Are Bigger Than Male