Spine, spinal cord

We are born with 33 vertebrae and lose some as we get older.

Spine, spinal cord

Our spine comprises 33 vertebrae when we are born, but most of us end up with just 26. What becomes of them? Some of the vertebrae fuse together to create the sacrum (back of the pelvis) and coccyx as you become older (tailbone).

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Dental crowding is a significant breed issue.

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Did you Know? Good Marketing helped make champagne a New Year's Eve Tradition.

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Having an asthma action plan is the best way to avoid the hospital.

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Did you Know? The sun sends more energy to Earth per hour than the planet uses in a year.

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean Has a Submerged Continent

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Pompeii and Pink Floyd


There have been several one-hit wonders in the past.

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Migraines can be triggered by insomnia.

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Antibiotic compounds are produced by probiotics.

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Albert Einstein's theories are more important than you may realise.

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ADHD Is A Lifelong Condition

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Leos are the most likely to hit the gym.

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FRIENDS was orginally called as INSOMNIA CAFE and have a different plot too.

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Did you Know? Russia ran short of vodka as it celebrated the end of WWII.

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Did you Know? India is the home to one of the hottest chills in the world.

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Two cup sizes aren’t on the menu at Starbucks.

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Queen Victoria’s birthplace is now home to William and Kate

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Japan is experiencing a ninja shortage.

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Nepal has the deepest tallest and highest

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This man has the Stretchiest skin you could ever see!

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Petra was built in the honor of the sun

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Hermione Has Become The Minister Of Magic

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Beagles are avid hunters.

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The Dussehra celebrations in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, are another well-known event in India