akira, akira facts, akira colors, akira facts, anime facts

Did you Know? 50 New Shades of Colors were Created only for Akira

akira, akira facts, akira colors, akira facts, anime facts

Akira, a highly praised film, was also a significant technological success for the Japanese animation industry. It had 2,212 shots and 160,000 single images. This is around 2-3 times the cost of the average anime film. The majority of the film's scenes were planned to take place at night, which was normally avoided by animators during those days due to such sequences needing exceptionally high colour utilisation and that too with tremendous precision to make the picture seem pleasant. Akira defied all expectations by employing an incredible 327 hues throughout the picture, 50 of which were produced specifically for the film and its scene needs.

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