agoraphobia, phobia, social anxiety, anxiety, fear

Do you know about Glossophobia

agoraphobia, phobia, social anxiety, anxiety, fear

People who have this phobia may have bodily symptoms even if they are only thinking about speaking in front of a group.

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Anxiety And Depression Are Linked

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Did you Know? There was one Silent Oscar Winner

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Is PCOS is linked to diabetes?

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He or she will hide their tail behind their hind legs out of fear.

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Did you Know? There are only four unscheduled park closures in the history of Disneyland

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Stage hypnosis is not appropriate for everyone.

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Did you know.... It was nearly a Lamborghini Taurus.

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Who is a beagle's ideal human companion?

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Libras make up the bulk of billionaires.

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Did you know...? Manipur is the birthplace of polo.

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When the first Lamborghini was presented, it didn't even have an engine.

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Did you Know? Machu Picchu Is Earthquake-Proof

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Coffee use was previously a capital offence.

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Redheads may adjust their body temperature more quickly.

Inuit folklore

Inuit folklore is enormously rich.

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The Carolingian Empire's growth in the ninth century may have paved the way for the Vikings.

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Did you Know? Introverts make the best writers

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Did you Know? Football is the most popular sport in Egypt

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Did you Know? Tasmanian devils have the most powerful bite.

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Did you Know? Belle preferred beast in his animal form rather than in human form.

abominable snowman

The phrase "abominable snowman" was first used by a newspaper columnist.

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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Chhath puja, vrat, bihar, india, culture, hinduism


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Confidence in Swiggy is high among investors

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The 'New Year's Rockin' Eve event on ABC has a lengthy history.