jaigarhfort, amer, kumbhalgarhfort, turrets, staircases, jaivana, cannonfoundary, projectile, india

Jaivana is the world's largest mobile cannon.

jaigarhfort, amer, kumbhalgarhfort, turrets, staircases, jaivana, cannonfoundary, projectile, india

One of the most well-known facts about Jaigarh Fort is that it is home to the World's Largest Cannon on Wheels. This, known as Jaivana, was made in the Fort's cannon foundry. I don't think my photographs do this cannon's massive size justice. The amusing aspect is that, despite its size, it was never utilized in a conflict! It was only fired once for a test, and the cannon projectile went 35 kilometres.

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The word yoghurt can be spelled in a variety of ways.

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Glass is a liquid, not a solid.

Earth Dam

India's Only Earth Dam

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Glass is completely recyclable.

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