According to eyewitness accounts, yetis may reside in China, India, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, and Russia.
Did you Know? Joker was almost cancelled.
A WHOLE fish has been used to make candles.
In our galaxy, there might be 500 million planets capable of hosting life.
What qualities should I consider when choosing a product?
Wisdom teeth can appear at any time.
Did you Know? There is no such thing as curry powder.
However, some of the earliest recorded descriptions of hypnosis date back to 1500 B.C. in ancient Egypt.
Djerba pilgrimage
Pirates wore eye patches.
Vision Boards Help You Unleash Your Inner Power
Broccoli contains more vitamin C than an orange.
Redheads may adjust their body temperature more quickly.
Did you Know? Agent Coulson wasn't even supposed to have a name.
On paper, Netflix's original name was Kibble.
There are 7000 lakes in Switzerland.
Amaltas Cure erysipelas
The oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago
Fennel Seeds are used to treat foul breath.
Did you Know? Kolkata is home to oldest zoo in the country
The earthworm has more than 1000 species.
The moonstone is a feminine gemstone.
One of the countries with the highest standard of living.
Did you Know? The capital of Greece is named after the goddess Athena
India’s Tea Capital “Jorhat”
Pigeons fly quickly.