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Medication + gut health = frenemies

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Sometimes there’s simply no avoiding the need to take meds. But some — antibiotics especially — negatively impact the gut microbiome. So, speak to your doctor if you’re concerned about starting a new prescription

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Some Constellations Have Families

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Benjamin Franklin predicted his rival's death.

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Did you know that you're taller in the morning and... in space?

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The moon is covered in mirrors.

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The national dish is stinky tofu

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Victorians uttered "prunes" instead of "cheese" before snapping a photograph.

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Cholesterol and fats are completely different


Spiders have unusual muscles.

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Do you Know? Secret behind The Announce of iPhone

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Formality is indicated by special nouns and verb endings.

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Did you Know? Athena Hated Medusa

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One of the world's most promising new tourist destinations


Your immune system is supported by vitamin D.

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Making the most of a bad situation

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Netflix’s Executives Used To Make House Calls.

European Country

The European Country with the Lowest Obesity

San Marino, Saint Marinus, Rimini, Italy

Saint Marinus, a stonemason, inspired the country's name.

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Egypt Borders Two Seas

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The introduction of cane toads was an ecological disaster.

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So, who exactly is the Dalai Lama?


beagles need regular grooming

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Just because you’re blind doesn’t mean you don’t have to learn math.

San Marino, Saint Marinus, Rimini, Italy

San Marino is Europe's least visited country.


One of the few whale species with unfused cervical neck vertebrae is the beluga.