psychology, anger, rage, university, michigan, research, fury, testosterone, negative, positive, equ

Money can purchase happiness, but only to a degree.

psychology, anger, rage, university, michigan, research, fury, testosterone, negative, positive, equ

According to research, humans have a "satiation point" in terms of wealth when happiness peaks, and earning more would not make you happier. Various studies have indicated varying sums (one 2010 research suggested $75,000, while a 2018 poll suggested $105,000), but the conclusion is the same: Constantly pushing for more, more, more won't necessarily help you.

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Unlike common perception, Sherlock Holmes does not employ deductive reasoning.

Tamil Nadu

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Unless the author is already well-known, book readings and signings are not profitable.


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Sugar can be ""tasted"" by the pancreas.

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Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions

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Not all the useful DNA in your chromosomes comes from your ancestors some of it was borrowed from elsewhere.


Halibut Is It A Flat Fish?


Bulgaria is where the Cyrillic script first appeared.

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They contain a tonne of antioxidants.

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Did you Know? There is a thin ring around Jupiter

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Have you heard the legends of Hukai’po?


Low percentages of the population are poor.

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The Carolingian Empire's growth in the ninth century may have paved the way for the Vikings.

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Limiting Beliefs Are Inherited, According to Geneticists

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Did you Know? Des Moines has a hillarious tradition called Beggar's night.

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Museo Delle Anime del Purgatorio displays documents signed by haunted souls in purgatory.

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The United States government has a formal strategy for a zombie apocalypse.