glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Glass can decompose in a million years.

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Glass is one of the most durable and resilient man-made materials.

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Beneficial for Diabetics

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Did you Know? Lamborghini Created A Motorcycle

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There are no natural predators of sea lampreys.

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Interesting fact! Lamborghinis Can Be Used For a Variety of Purposes

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Viking women held a unique position in society.

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Did you Know? African Lungfish can survive for a year without water.

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What Did You Know? India's very first automobile

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The introduction of cane toads was an ecological disaster.


Spiders have unusual muscles.


When was Stonehenge constructed?

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There Was A 100 Year-Long Dispute Between Peru And Yale Over Artifacts Collected From Machu Picchu

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Sagittarians are more likely to become child stars.

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Popsicles were accidentally created by a child.


Collagen helps to improve skin texture:

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Anaximander Of Miletus (c.610-c.546 BCE)


The orientation leaflets are arranged in one or two pinnae pairs in a bipinnate compound. Each pinna also contains 10 to 26 leaflets.

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Did you Know? Umbrellas were once only used by women.

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Did you Know? Apples give you more energy than coffee.

chia seed

What Are the Chia Seeds' Nutritional Values?

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The earthworm has more than 1000 species.

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Huge Fat Content In Butter Chicken

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Mountain Gorillas live in two isolated groups.


It performs both endocrine and exocrine functions.