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Did you Know? "Auld Lang Syne" was never meant to be a holiday song.

new year facts, new year celebration, new year fireworks, facts about new year

According to ABC News, most experts believe Robert Burns wrote the song "Auld Lang Syne" in the 1700s. Guy Lombardo popularised the song by using it as a segue between radio shows at midnight in 1929, though the midnight timing was not on purpose.

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Eczema Is Not Spreadable

Eleanor Roosevelt, Queen Wilhelmina, Winston Churchill. Andrew Jackson, David Burns, Abigail Adams,

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Budapest is home to the continent's oldest metro line.

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Bhutan is a Buddhist country with deeply held beliefs.


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Your health may be more at risk if you are driving.

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Men and Women Dream Differently

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Among the World's Toughest Helmets

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code of conduct.

Each pirate ship had its own set of rules and code of conduct.


The biological cycling of nutrients in the Southern Ocean is significantly influenced by krill.

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Dolores Umbridge Finally Went To Azkaban

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"12% of people dream entirely in black and white"

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For their pet, one in every five people will purchase a costume.


Animals can recognize themselves in Mirror

vitamin D

It's a fallacy that it's simple to obtain enough vitamin D from food alone.

beetroot, beet

The world's biggest beet is grown by a Dutchman.

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Ladakh is the glacier man's homeland.

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Is spirituality about connecting with your inner self ?

taste buds

If you can't smell, you can't taste.

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Pablo Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon