Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is home to the world's largest urban forest.

Rio de Janeiro

The Tijuca jungle expands from Rio's centre and is considered the world's largest urban forest, encompassing an area of 32 kilometres cubed. The Corcovado mountain is located within the forest and serves as the starting point for the famed Christ the Redeemer statue. It also supports hundreds of plant and mammal species, many of which are endangered and only found in the Tijuca forest ecosystem.

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Quebec is a province that speaks French.

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Only Harlots wore lipstick in ancient Greece.

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A soufflé is only fluffy and puffy for 5 or 10 minutes.

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The holiday has other names besides just "Halloween."

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Spain is the home of the world’s second most widely-spoken language

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"To convict someone of witchcraft, no solid evidence was required. "

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Did you Know? Friendship is one of the very first things we learn about.