eczema, inflammatory skin, atopic dermatitis, skin

Scratching aggravates eczema

eczema, inflammatory skin, atopic dermatitis, skin

Scratching can temporarily relieve the itching associated with eczema, but it never provides long-term relief. Scratching the affected area of the skin can aggravate the irritation and inflammation and expose your skin to infection.

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retinol, collagen

Retinol does more than merely reduce wrinkles.

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Did you Know? Abraham Lincoln Was Also a Licensed Bartender


Are skincare products preferred above dietary supplements and food?

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Netflix created special socks that automatically pause your TV when you fall asleep.

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The British Museum had its own tube station for over 30 years

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Gorillas are regarded as gentle giants.

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Did you Know? Negative dreams are more common!


Babies that are given formula have stronger bones.

Eleanor Roosevelt, Queen Wilhelmina, Winston Churchill. Andrew Jackson, David Burns, Abigail Adams,

Did you Know? The White House is haunted

rattlesnake, snakes, reptiles

Arizona Has More Species Than Anywhere Else.

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Quartz Crystal activation requires programming.

Pompeii, Giuseppe Fiorell, Italian, architect, Mount Vesuviu, pumice

Just the wrong direction of the wind was blowing.

 Fennel seed

Fennel seeds help with digestion.

San Marino

San Marino is made up of nine municipalities.

taste buds

By altering brain cells, scientists can switch tastes on and off.

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Did you Know? Madagascar once had a mad queen

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Starbucks has secret shops.

amaltas, leaves, benefits

Cures urinary issues

chia seed

Dr. Wayne Coates rediscovered chia in the 1990s.


What Iguanas Are Known For


Insects are extensively consumed across Cambodia.

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E.T. Was Brought to Life by Cigarettes

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Women Are Twice As Likely As Men To Develop An Anxiety Disorder

chinese, porcelain, Han Dynasty, imperial dynasty, Qing Dynasty

A porcelain piece requires dozens of procedures.


Giant apes did once inhabit Asia, as evidenced by fossils