red lips, lipstick, makeup

The earliest lipstick was made using crushed diamonds and lead.

red lips, lipstick, makeup

Lipstick is more ancient than you would imagine. It actually dates back to Queen Shubad of ancient Sumeria. The queen wore lip paint consisting of crushed red pebbles and white lead. The queen's stylish crimson lip was not her only historical contribution. When Shubad's tomb was unearthed in Ur in the 1920s, experts were astounded at the wealth on show. The tomb also housed the remains of 23 female servants who were executed for the sole purpose of being buried close to the queen so that they may serve her in the afterlife.

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Santa's sleigh is the fastest vehicle in history.

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Witchcraft, contrary to popular belief, is not Satanism.

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An asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

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Some Believe That Aliens Built Machu Picchu


Collagen helps to firm your skin.

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The International Space Station still makes use of conventional toilet paper.

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Viking diet was quite varied.


Quebec is more than just French... There are also many Irish individuals here!

Male spiders

Male spiders enjoy giving gifts.

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Do you know the story behind Venetian Blinds?

 dictionary, lexicographers, contextual, editors, research

Adding a new word to a dictionary is a laborious process.


The Swedes were the first to develop nicotine replacement gum.

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Wisdom teeth can appear at any time.

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Did you Know? John F. Kennedy was laid to rest without his brain.

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Mysterious Hanuman Temple

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"12% of people dream entirely in black and white"


Amaltas heals intestinal conditions

Red hair

Red hair is a lovely genetic mutation.

Spine, spinal cord

The spine works independently of the brain.


The moonstone is a traveler's stone.

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It is possible, though unlikely to checkmate an opponent in just two moves.

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Agriculture first appeared in Turkey.

Spoiler Expert Netflix

A Spoiler Expert was once hired by Netflix.


Harassment is a major issue for women who exercise outside.