nails, nail

The practice of biting your fingernails has a formal medical name.

nails, nail

Onychophagia. Between 25 and 30 percent of kids are thought to bite their nails regularly.

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Fun Fact! 2.5 million Brazilians Live in the Middle of the Amazon Rainforest

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In London, England, pencil sales increased by 700% in 2008.

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Cricket is the origin of the phrase "good innings."

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It is a fallacy that adults require the same quantity of vitamin D.

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Not all inuit igloos are snow homes.

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Did you Know? Many feet bones don't harden until you're an adult.

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Did you Know? On the moon, there were previously active volcanoes.

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The Kind Of Animal That A Fairyfly Is.

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One community was rescued from the Great Depression because of CocaCola.

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The Panther Is a Stealthy Predator

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Sunflower is an American Native

A Coconut

A Coconut has the ability to travel enormous distances.

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Your Gynecologist is concerned about more than just your genitalia.

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Not Everyone Who’s High Energy Has ADHD

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The original logo of Starbucks was controversial.

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the first Oscar for a technicolor film

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Did you Know? Dracula Was Inspired By A Nightmare.

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The most costly Oscar winner

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Instead of glowing white, some fireflies have blue illumination.

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Did you Know? There is a record of eating 29 cupcakes in just 30 seconds.

 Dribbling permitted  1897

Fun Fact! Dribbling was not permitted until 1897.

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Did you Know? Why Black Manta hates Aquaman?

Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer has a genetic component.

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Whoever it was, they left the job quickly.