quartz Crystal, activate, crystals, reprogram

The world's foggiest location

quartz Crystal, activate, crystals, reprogram

The title of foggiest place in the world goes to the Grand Banks area of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Newfoundland. The area is where the cold Labrador Current from the north meets the much warmer Gulf Stream from the south. This mix of currents regularly causes fog to form, with over 200 days of fog per year.

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The Kids Are Drawn To The Beautiful Forms Kids are frequently drawn to the lovely magical form of kaleidoscopes.

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Authors are probably not making as much money up front as you believe.

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Did you Know? Disney Princesses don't make eye contact with each other.


The world's strongest natural textile, according to legend, is silk.

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It can help strengthen your immune system.

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Did you Know? The first motion picture camera was called the kinetoscope.

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One of the most prevalent causes of eczema, atopic dermatitis


Women are more likely to suffer from sleeplessness.

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Almonds are a great source of energy.

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Iguanas: How Fast Can They Run?

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A fascinating 'crater' lake can be found here.

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In the US there is a two-year-old mayor

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hiding in the fog.

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Some Constellations Have Families

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Did you Know? For World War II, Coca-Cola created a special "White Coke."

Young plants

Young plants have upright stems, but as they get older, they gradually start to creep or trail.

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Male Gynecologists Frequently Require Female Support

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When did it start? And why?

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"Netflix Made Special Socks That Pause Your TV Automatically When You Fall Asleep. "

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Horned lizards have an uncommon mode of protection.

Nectarine, Nectarine meaning

Did you Know? Nectarine means sweet like nectar.


Malta was Previously ruled by the Knights of St. John