chocolate, chocolate chip cookie recipe, charlie and the chocolate factory, hot chocolate bombs, cho

Coffee use was previously a capital offence.

chocolate, chocolate chip cookie recipe, charlie and the chocolate factory, hot chocolate bombs, cho

Coffee was thought to have mind-altering properties throughout the Ottoman Empire's 17th century. The monarch of the time considered it a form of drug and prohibited its use in public.

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Why was Ambedkar unhappy with the Indian Constitution?

Custard Apple

Custard Apple Aids in Fighting Fatigue



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Long before Einstein, Galileo wrote about relativity.

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Deep within the upholstery of your house are dust mites.

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Did you Know? The great pyramids were not build by slaves


The International Book Fair in Kolkata

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Did you Know? The Indiana Jones props are real.

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Did you Know? Eating More Protein Could Help Your Metabolism

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These parasites affect the whole Great Lakes coastline, wreaking havoc on both permanent and seasonal companies, as well as property values and tourism growth.


Bengal's Trams


Beluga whales are a very loud species that is highly sociable.


Persian rugs require little upkeep

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Vampires Share A History With Frankenstein.

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Your spine is more adaptable than you realise.

Sound Wave

What Exactly Is A Sound Wave?

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Deserts Of Egypt..have you heard about it?


The Kaleidoscope was created by Sir David Brewster.

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Both men and women can get hernias

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A porcelain piece requires dozens of procedures.

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There are at least three Santa Clauses on the planet.

army of Terracotta,  China, Qin Shi Huang, Terracotta Army

The army of Terracotta It's not just the military.

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Candidates with any educational background are eligible to compete.

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One Rottweiler fought for the rights of veterans with disabilities.