
A 6- to 8-inch-long skeleton was unearthed outside a Chilean ghost town.


The hard fangs, large cranium, and scaly skin prompted most to believe this was an alien. Only after it was certified human did the subject of its size, mutations, and provenance emerge. None of the solutions were ever discovered.

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In Old Quebec, you may sleep in a nun's cell!

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How much melanin, or pigment, is present in the eye affects the color of the eye

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The International Coconut Day

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There is no prison in Vatican City

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One of the Most Expensive Cities in the U.S.


Short-term use of ashwagandha is safe.

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The famous 5.9-liter V12 engine of Aston Martin is made up of two Ford V6s.

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Did you Know? Humans have a faint glow in the dark.


Hypnosis is a legitimate medical treatment.

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Almost no 'witch' was ever burned at the stake.


probiotics are nurtured in the appendix.