greek, philosophers, lunar, solar deities, athens, anaxagoras, lampsacus

Anaximenes Of Miletus (c.586-c.526 BCE)

greek, philosophers, lunar, solar deities, athens, anaxagoras, lampsacus

Anaximenes was the third Milesian amongst the Greek philosophers before Socrates. He was a student of Anaximander and was also a monist. Where Thales saw water and Anaximander the Apeiron, Anaximenes saw air, which he thought was the arche (beginning) of all things.

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Malta has been an independent country since 1964.

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If they are taken off guard, some lizards can detach their tails.

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Stonehenge is associated with an Arthurian legend.



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You Can Install Windows 10 Using a USB Flash Drive.


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An egg is kept warm by both the male and female flamingos until it hatches.

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They snooze in the dunes.


You should always apply SPF-protected moisturiser

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What Role Does Psychology Play in Everyday Life?

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One of the Most Expensive Cities in the U.S.

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