chess facts, facts about chess, chess game facts,

Chess is a mandatory subject in Armenian schools over the age of six.

chess facts, facts about chess, chess game facts,

Since 2011, all children aged six to eight in the former Soviet republic have been required to take chess lessons. It is the first country in the world to include it in the primary school curriculum alongside standards such as math and history.

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Kiwi can promote sleep.

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A black hole cannot be seen directly.


Hypnosis is a legitimate medical treatment.

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ADHD Can Appear Differently At Different Times In Life

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Did you Know? Both people and mosquitoes love blue.

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There is a temple of rats in India

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Even those firefly larvae that are submerged in water or the underground may glow.


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A person's sense of smell may be affected by Alzheimer's disease.


One of the few whale species with unfused cervical neck vertebrae is the beluga.

chia seed

Chia can be beneficial to babies.


Hindi was designated as the official language of India on September 14, 1949. Every year on September 14th, Hindi Day is observed.

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Pigeons make "milk."

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Scientists are still perplexed as to why people have diverse blood types in the first place.


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India’s Tea Capital “Jorhat”

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Sunflower is an American Native

custard apple

They sprout from apples.


You possess more than you realize!

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Did you Know? Stephen King is the living author with the most films adaptations.