
Copper is a low-key household essential.


This element may be found in practically any place in your home. Building materials for the electrical and plumbing sectors include copper wires, pipings, and tubings.

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It is untrue that vitamin D supplements cause people to lose weight.


Unlike English or any other language, Hindi words are pronounced exactly as they are written.

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Jaivana is the world's largest mobile cannon.

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Netflix’s Employees Can Take As Many Days Off As They Want.


Quebec is more than just French... There are also many Irish individuals here!

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The tallest flower is a sunflower

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Moonstone is a natural emotional healer.

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Fennel seed

Fennel seed aids with blood pressure regulation.


The average person is hypnotised at least twice a day.

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Heavy Metal's Birthplace

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The original Merriam-Webster Dictionary was $6.

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Butterflies have a short lifespan.

taste buds

Eating sweet foods aids in the formation of a meal memory.

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Giant apes did once inhabit Asia, as evidenced by fossils