curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

Curtains and blinds from the past

curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

During ancient times, animal skin was used to make blinds. Long ago, people who lived in hotter climates used animal hide to shield themselves from the sun's rays. They also used those materials as drapes to keep the interiors of their homes cool. The animal skins were soaked in water and hung on the doorways. As a result, the wind's effect created a cooling sensation, similar to natural coolers.

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 Genghis Khan

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Switzerland's meat is among the most expensive in the world.

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Largest rubber band ball


Unlike the majority of other whales, belugas can swim backwards as well as forward.


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Fun Fact! Days Are Getting Longer

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Dry skin may become flaky and pale in the heat

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Did you Know? Cambodians celebrate the New Year in April


Tulsi Reduces colds, coughs, and other respiratory problems


The secret to success is rescue inhalers.

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One of the reasons South Africa has 11 official languages is because of Afrikaans.

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The Effects of Secondhand Smoke on Your Skin

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Did you Know? Japan imports over 80% of Jamaica's annual coffee production

Two one-shot stories

Two one-shot stories began the One Piece series.


Treatment for asthma


Chia belongs to the mint family.

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Formula 1 cars accelerate from 0 to 100 MPH in 4 seconds and then return to zero.


Providing porcelain to the imperial family required government approval in ancient China.

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The actor who played Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sir Alec Guinness, despised Star Wars.

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Nagini Is A Real Person in Harry Potter


Eczema Comes in a Variety of Forms.


Swedes enjoy unusual marketing.

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Did you Know? The set of The Exorcist was haunted.

Custard apple

Custard apple is a powerful antioxidant