Andy Serkis, Andy Serkis facts, Andy Serkis king kong, Andy Serkis movies

Did you Know? Serkis had to play King Kong twice for the same movie.

Andy Serkis, Andy Serkis facts, Andy Serkis king kong, Andy Serkis movies

Andy Serkis had to play King Kong twice for Peter Jackson's King Kong (2005). First, he had to play the giant ape alongside Naomi Watts (Ann Darrow) in a rough-and-ready gorilla costume, so his co-star could react. After principal photography was finished, he had to perform again, this time in a motion capture suit. Andy, fantastic double performance!

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Country parks and nature reserves cover 40% of Hong Kong.


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swelling and lumps?

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse wasn't created by Walt Disney.