almonds, milk, plant milk

Peaches are connected to almonds!

almonds, milk, plant milk

Almonds are members of the prunus family, which includes peaches, cherries, and apricots. The nuts that we are so acquainted with are actually the fruit's seed. The fleshy section of the almond fruit, unlike its fruity sisters, cannot be eaten.

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Did you Know? You can reuse your teabags or coffee grounds,

Spider silk

Spider silk is liquid

vitamin D.

It is a fallacy that adults require the same quantity of vitamin D.


In the summer, fingernails grow more quickly. Why?

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Spectacular summertime meteor showers.

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Who is a spiritual person?

birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

Heavy Metal's Birthplace


The word yoghurt can be spelled in a variety of ways.

Obesity Risk

Obesity Risk in Formula-Fed Babies

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The mouth of a sea urchin is referred to as "Aristotle's Lantern."

language, language facts, language evolution

Our language is constantly changing.

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Tiger Eye Gemstone Brings Emotional Intelligence


Krill in Antarctica are not little.

Postage Stamp

Postage Stamp's Birthplace


Myanmar celebrates Water festival

korean, language, English, hangul, verb, Chinese

Are there similarities between korean and other languages?


Switzerland's meat is among the most expensive in the world.

zombie, zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse plan, zombie apocalypse survival

The United States government has a formal strategy for a zombie apocalypse.

plane, fact about planes, facts about airplane, facts about aircraft

Airplane air is significantly drier than any you might experience on earth.

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Malevolent spirits are not permitted.

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There Were 10,297 Balloons in Up

gorilla facts, gorilla fact, gorilla, gentle giants, mountain gorilla facts, mountain gorilla , gori

We share 98% of our DNA with Gorillas.

hot pocket, hot, warm, chunk stuffers

The most popular taste is pizza.

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Did you Know? Halloween is still the Wiccan New Year

papua new guinea, papua new guinea about, papua new guinea facts, papua new guinea travel, papua new

Did you Know? Papua New Guinea is home to one of the world’s very few poisonous birds