taste buds

Picky eaters have the potential to be "supertasters."

taste buds

If you're a fussy eater, you may have a new reason to loathe eggplant or be sensitive to the smallest scent of onion. You might be a supertaster—one of the 25% of persons with additional papillae on their tongue. This implies you have more taste buds and consequently more specialized taste receptors.

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Bronte sisters

Two out of the three Bronte sisters had governess jobs.

Silver linings

Silver linings protect blueberries from harm.

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Grapefruit Might Hasten Healing


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The Two Least Profitable Films Both Take Place on Mars

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Don't forget the serum.

pencil "lead

why do we call the core of a pencil "lead"?

crocodiles horse

Crocodiles can gallop like a horse.