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Shrimps are well-known for their deliciousness! But did you know that there are over 2,000 different types of shrimp worldwide?

fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

From the tropics to the Antarctic Ocean, every marine niche is home to different shrimp species. Isn't it cool? Another fascinating shrimp tidbit I discovered was that their hearts are really in their skulls. Isn't it fascinating?

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Did you Know? The capital of Greece is named after the goddess Athena

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The most feared pirate of all time was Blackbeard.

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Psychology is a vast subject.

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Roses are one of the oldest flowers .


Hyraceum, a perfume ingredient derived from the faeces of a small rodent, is still used by niche perfume houses


The First Oktoberfest Was A Wedding!

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Did you Know? Lisa Kudrow or Phoebe Buffay of FRINEDS didn't actually know how to play guitar.

olive oil

Olive oil contains fatty acids as well as vitamins A and E


What Is the Weight of a Fairyfly?

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean Has Several Tectonic Plate Boundaries

Dadasaheb Phalke

Dadasaheb Phalke released the first Hindi film, Raja Harishchandra, in 1913.

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According to poll after survey, parents are more inclined to educate their sons essential breadwinning skills such as credit building and investing their money.

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One of the world's most promising new tourist destinations



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Do you know about the cursed The Hands Resist Him Painting?

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Parrots are the only birds who Can Eat With Their Feet.


The world's first human rights charter was created by the Persians

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The highest Spanish mountain is not in Spain.

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Did you Know? Disney Princess Anna is named after an author.


Natural protein fibre known as silk is typically produced from the cocoons of silkworms.

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Did you Know? Calvin Coolidge Owned a Pair of Lions


The moonstone is a therapeutic gemstone.

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