corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanium, smelliest flower, rotten flesh

Smelliest plant to exist on the planet.

corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanium, smelliest flower, rotten flesh

Also known as the corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanium or titan arum releases an extremely foul odor comparable to that of rotten flesh, which can be smelled 0.5 mi (0.8 km) away.

Related Facts
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A Panther is a Jaguar or a Leopard.


Cern Is Within Its Boundaries

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Gross...Phones have a dirtier surface than toilets.

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Water may exist in three states at the same time.

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Did you Know? The largest cake was of the size of an elephant.

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Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions

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In Australia, it is estimated that insects make up almost 70% of the biodiversity (CSIRO, 2005).

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The debate about Afrikaans continues.

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Fun Fact! Days Are Getting Longer

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Using Your Skin Too Much Causes Breakouts


Carrots are orange because of the Netherlands


Hindi is the fourth most widely spoken language, following English, Spanish, and Mandarin.


Maracan has the record for the most football game attendees.

Leonardo da Vinci'

Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa


Bengal's Trams

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Natural Immune Enhancer

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The Netherlands was the first country to legalise same-sex marriage


Legs can grow back on centipedes.


Isn't this the same as niacin?

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Stomach cancer was No. 1 in the 1940s, now it’s No. 8

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Did you Know? Genghis Khan is Mongolia’s founding father

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Two signs produced the most presidents.


Even more "folded" than the human brain, the dolphin brain existed millions of years before

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Do you know about Social Phobia


Cowlicks can appear on the brows.